When I began teaching Kundalini Yoga in Finland in 2004, there were only a few teachers here, and just one Finnish-language book on the subject had been published. My first book, Voiman tie (The Path of Power, Tammi, 2009), was created to address the need for bringing the basics of Kundalini Yoga into our own language. My second book, Chakrapolku (Tammi, 2014), was designed to use yoga and mindfulness techniques to support personal spiritual growth and development. The book was based on an 8-week course I taught in 2013. While Chakrapolku® introduced the chakras, Tie tasapainoon (Tammi, 2018) explores the ten energy bodies of consciousness. Kundalini Yoga is fundamentally based on these two energy systems and maintaining balance between them.
The third and final part of this book trilogy, Kadotettu tieto – Muinaiskansojen viesti maailmalle (Lost Knowledge – The Message of Ancient Peoples to the World, Viisas Elämä, 2023), completes the series started by Chakrapolku®. This book also brings together a unified framework known as Energy Activation. My previous book, Aikamatka – Sielun reissukirja (Viisas Elämä, 2021), hinted at the themes of this fifth book, which centers around the soul, the heart, ancient myths, and the creative process.
My latest book, Avaudu sisäiselle valolle (Open Yourself to Inner Light, Viisas Elämä, 2024), brings the entire Energy Activation method together in one volume. It includes updated versions of my earlier books Chakrapolku® and Tie tasapainoon, as well as the Heart Meditation.